اتوماسیون آزمایشگاه وحید
امروز: 1403/12/01
جدول مدیریت نمونه تعداد کل آزمایشات: 598 عدد

ردیف کد تست نام کامل کد ملی کد لوئینک
1 1 Fasting Blood Glucose | FBG 800400 001558-600
2 2 Blood Glucose After 2hrs | BS2hpp 800405 001521-400
3 3 GCT: Glucose Challenge Test | GCT 800400 002345-730
4 4 Blood Glucose 5PM | BS 5PM 800400 002345-717
5 5 GTT Blood Glucose | GTT 800410 072171-200
6 9 Blood Urea Nitrogen | BUN 800415 003094-000
7 10 Creatinin | Cr 800420 002160-000
8 11 Uric Acid | U.A 800425 003084-100
9 12 Triglycedies | TG 800430 002571-800
10 13 Cholestrol | Chol 800435 002093-300
11 14 High Density Lipoprotein | HDL 800440 002085-900
12 15 Low Density Lipoprotein | LDL 800445 018262-600
13 16 Very Low Density Lipoprotein | VLDL 002458-800
14 18 Total Protein 800510 002885-200
15 19 Albumin Serum | Alb 800515 001751-700
16 20 Globulin Serum 800520
17 21 Protein Electrophoresis | Pro Elec 800735 024351-900
18 22 Calcium | Ca 800485 017861-600
19 23 Phosphorous | P 800495 002777-100
20 24 Magnesium | Mg 800810 019123-901
21 25 Sodium | Na 800460 002947-000
22 26 Potassium | K 800465 002823-300
23 28 Chloride | Cl 800470 002069-300
24 30 Bilirubin Total 800525 034543-900
25 31 Billirubin Direct
26 32 Billirubin Indirect
27 33 Alkaline Phosphatase | ALK 800540 006768-600
28 34 Acid Phosphatase Total | Acid Phosphatase (T) 800545 012173-100
29 35 Acid Phosphatase Prostate | Acid Phosphatase (P) 800550 020420-600
30 36 Aspartate Aminotransferase | AST - SGOT 800530 001920-800
31 37 Alanine Aminotransferase | ALT - SGPT 800535 001742-600
32 38 Lactate Dehydrogenase | LDH 800555 014805-600
33 39 Creatine Kinase | CPK 800565 002157-600
34 40 Creatine Kinase-MB | CPK-MB 800570 032673-600
35 41 Aldolase 800575 001761-600
36 42 Iron | Fe 800500 002498-400
37 43 Anti-Double Stranded DNA Antibodies | Anti DS DNA 803505 010360-600
38 44 Total Iron Binding Capacity | TIBC 800505 002500-700
39 50 Amylase Serum | Amy 800585 001798-800
40 51 Lipase Serum 800590 003040-300
41 52 Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase | GGT 800605 002324-200
42 54 Lithium | Li 800480 014334-700
43 55 Ceruloplasmin 801005 002064-400
44 56 Blood Lead Level | Pb 800805 010912-400
45 57 Zinc Serum | Zn 800810 019123-902
46 58 Cytomegalovirus Antigen | CMV Ag
47 60 Ristocetin Cofactor(Functional von Willebrand Fact | Ristocetin Cofactor
48 61 Anti LKM1 803350
49 62 Human Immunodeficiency Virus | HIV PCR
50 63 Sweat Test 800950 800950-000
51 64 Neonatal Screening | Neo Scr
52 67 Blood Glucose | BS 800400 002345-700
53 68 Fine Needle Aspiration | FNA 807045 807045-000
54 69 RBC Dismorphic | RBC Dis 800290
55 71 Synovial Fluid 84420
56 72 Total Lipids 80455
57 73 Interleukin 6 | IL6 803565 049732-100
58 74 TSH Receptor Antibody 803702 057416-000
59 75 NH4 801010 022763-700
60 76 Lactate 80517 014118-400
61 77 Copper | Cu 800810 019123-902
62 82 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin | SHBG 801830 002942-100
63 83 24Hrs Urine PH 800205 005803-200
64 84 Transferrin Saturation 801150 002502-300
65 85 Plasma Amino Acid HPLC Analysis | Plasma A.A HPLC 800780
66 91 PH Stool 800680 002755-700
67 93 Complement 5 | C5
68 95 Urine Mg(Random) 800810 019123-912
69 96 Beta2-Microglobulin | Beta2Mic 802925 001952-100
70 97 Apolipoprotein 801200
71 98 Phenylalanine (HPLC) 801180 002765-600
72 99 Troponin T High Sensitive | TroponinThs 801045
73 100 ANA Profile
74 116 Cell Free DNA
75 117 CD16+56 802590
76 118 Factor I | Factor I 0 0
77 119 CD16-56 802590
78 120 Anti Streptolysin O Titer | ASO 802850 022568-000
79 121 C-Reative Protein | CRP 802800 014634-000
80 122 Rheumatoid Factor | RF 802810 017857-400
81 123 Mono Test (Paul- Bunnell Test) | Mono Test 802820 031418-700
82 124 Widal Agglutination | Widal 802845 022527-600
83 125 TLC UUrine TLC (Random) | TLC U.Ran 800797
84 126 Levetircetam;Keppra(Levebel) 800840
85 128 Lamotrigine 800840
86 129 Urine Culture For BK 804080 804080-000
87 131 Rapid Plasma Reagin | RPR 802825 005292-800
88 132 Coombs Wright 802835 063435-200
89 133 Wright Agglutination Test | Wright 802830 058806-100
90 134 2 Mercaptoethanol | 2ME 802840 802840-000
91 135 Coombs Test (Direct) 802525 001007-400
92 136 Coombs Test (Indirect) 802530 001008-200
93 137 Cold Agglutinins Test | Cold Agg 802940 005098-900
94 139 Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody: F.T.A(IgM) | FTA (IgM) 803035 017728-700
95 140 Tuberculin Skin Test | PPD 802860 023151-400
96 142 Chloride | Cl
97 143 M2-Pyruvat Kinase | M2PK
98 144 Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgM 803432 044449-700
99 145 Beta 2 Glycoprotein IgG 803431 044448-900
100 146 CRP Quantitative | CRP Q 802805 001988-500
101 147 Brucella IgG 803496 056630-700
102 148 Brucella IgM 803497 056631-500
103 149 Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone | Anti TRH 801430 003018-900
104 150 Liver Profile
105 151 Dopamin 057772-622
106 155 APT Test
107 157 Venous Blood Gas | VBG 801080
108 158 HLA DQ2 802595
109 159 HLA DQ8 802595
110 179 Nuclear Matrix Protein 22 | NMP22 803665
111 194 Calcium Ions
112 196 Oligoclonal Band | OCB
113 201 Toxoplasma IgG 803040
114 202 Toxoplasma IgM 803045
115 203 Rubella IgG | Rub IgG 803000 005334-800
116 204 Rubella IgM | Rub IgM 803005 005335-500
117 205 Cytomegalo Virus IgG | CMV IgG 803010 005124-300
118 206 Cytomegalo Virus IgM | CMV IgM 803015 005126-800
119 207 Immunoglobulin IgA | IgA 803277 002458-800
120 208 Immunoglobulin IgM | IgM 803278
121 209 Toxoplasma Ab IgG Avidity 803040
122 210 Immunoglobulin IgD 803280
123 211 Complement 3 | C3 803284
124 212 Complement 4 | C4 803285
125 213 CH50 803265
126 214 Mycoplasma IgM 803070
127 215 Mycoplasma IgG 803065
128 216 Rubella Ab IgG Avidity | Rub IgG Avi
129 217 Herpes Simplex Virus IgG | HSV IgG 803020
130 218 Herpes Simplex Virus IgM | HSV IgM 803025
131 219 CMV Ab IgG Avidity
132 220 Listeria IgG 802885
133 221 Listeria IgM 802885
134 222 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody | HCV 803255 013955-000
135 223 Human Immunodeficiency Virus | HIV 803186 035437-300
136 224 Anti Chlamydia IgG 803050
137 225 Anti Chlamydia IgM 803060
138 226 HLA B5 802570
139 227 HLA B15 802570
140 228 HLA Typing 802575
141 229 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen | HBS Ag 803205 005196-100
142 230 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody | HBS Ab 803220
143 231 Hepatitis B Core Ab IgM | HBc Ab IgM 803195
144 232 Hbe Ag 803210 013954-300
145 233 Hbe Ab 803215
146 234 Anti PR3 | CANCA 803455
147 235 Anti MPO | PANCA 803335
148 236 Hepatitis A Virus IgM | HAV IgM 803500 013950-100
149 237 Anti Nuclear Antibody | ANA 802880
150 239 Measles Antibody IgG | Measles IgG 803115
151 240 Measles Antibody IgM | Measles IgM 803216
152 241 Anti Cardiolipin Ab IgG | Cardio IgG 803135 003181-500
153 242 Anti Cardiolipin Ab IgM | Cardio IgM 803136
154 243 Helicobacter Pylori IgG | H.pylori IgG 803075
155 244 Helicobacter Pylori IgA | H.pylori IgA 803080
156 245 Helicobacter Pylori IgM | H.pylori IgM 803085
157 246 Lupus Anti Coagulant | Lupus 803180
158 247 HIV P24Ag 803190
159 249 Cryoglobulin 803315 005117-700
160 251 Immunoglobulin E | IgE 803260 002462-000
161 252 Immunoglobulin G | IgG 803276
162 253 Anti Phospholipid Ab IgG | Phospho IgG 803130
163 254 Anti Phospholipid Ab IgM | Phospho IgM 803131
164 256 Human T Lymphotropic Virus | HTLV 803240
165 258 Anti EBV IgG 803120
166 259 Anti EBV IgM 803121
167 260 Anti Gliadin IgA | Gliadin IgA 803375
168 261 Anti Gliadin IgG | Gliadin IgG 803376
169 263 Anti Endomesial Ab IgA | Endo IgA 803370
170 264 Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA | TTg A 803625
171 265 Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgG | TTG G 803626
172 266 Anti Endomesial Ab IgG | Endo IgG 803371
173 267 Anti Endomesial Ab IgA-Elisa | Endo IgA
174 268 Anti Ro | SSA 803400
175 269 Anti La | SSB 803405
176 270 Anti GBM 803360
177 272 Hepatitis A Virus IgG | HAV IgG 803200 013951-900
178 273 Human T Lymphotropic Virus | HTLV
179 274 N Acetyl Glucosaminidase | NAG 801610
180 275 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen in Stool | H.Pylori Ag 803560 017780-800
181 276 Protein C | Pro C 802280
182 277 Protein S | Pro S 802285
183 278 Digoxin Level 801165
184 279 C1 Inhibitor 803330
185 281 Screening Multi Drug Panel (MT)
186 282 Urine Epinephrine 24hrs (Adrenaline) 800871 032015-000
187 283 Urine Norepinephrine 24hrs (Noradrenaline) 800873 002668-200
188 284 Hydatic Ab (Anti Echinococcous)IgM | Hydatic Ab 803172
189 285 Pyruvate 800635
190 286 C-Peptide 801570
191 287 Double Marker(Free Beta , PAPP-A) 806200
192 291 Anti Thrombin III 802290
193 292 Food Allergern Profile 803686
194 294 Anti Mullerian Hormone | AMH 803510
195 295 Quad Marker 806210
196 296 Triple Marker 806205
197 297 Inhibin A 803535
198 298 Estriol 801490
199 301 CBC 802000
200 326 Reticulocytes | Retic 802020
201 327 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate | ESR 802030
202 329 Bleeding Time | BT 802200
203 330 Clotting Time | CT 802210
204 331 Partial Thromboplastin Time | PTT 802220
205 332 PT Patient | PT 802215
206 335 Lupus Erythematosus Cell | LE Cell 802035
207 336 Fibrinogen 802225 003255-700
208 337 Malaria Smear 802070 053609-400
209 339 Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase | G6PD 800580
210 340 Anti LKM1 803350
211 352 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) | ADA 0
212 358 Met Hemoglobin 801030
213 362 Urine Dopamine (24hrs) 027212-000
214 363 Osmotic Fragilly 802055
215 364 Fibrin Degradation Product | FDP 802255
216 365 Activated Protein C Resistance | APCR 802305
217 366 Ham Test 802935
218 369 Hemoblobin A1c | HbA1C 800800
219 370 D-Dimer 802330
220 371 Sickel Prep 802060
221 377 Blood Group & RH | BG & Rh 802500
222 389 Hb Electrophoresis | Hb Elec 800705
223 397 Hemocystein 801050
224 398 Anti Centromer Ab 803435
225 399 Sucrose Hemolysis Test | Sucrose Test 802930
226 400 Total Thyroxin | T4 801405 003026-200
227 401 Morphin Test | MT 800821
228 402 T3Uptake | T Uptake 801410
229 403 Triiodothyronine | T3 801400 003053-600
230 404 Free Thyroxine Index | FTI
231 405 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | TSH 801415 029575-800
232 406 Follicle Stimulating Hormone | FSH 801440 015067-200
233 407 Luteinizing Hormone | LH 801446 010501-500
234 408 Estradiol | Estradiol 801485
235 409 Prolactin | PRL 801450 020568-200
236 411 Progestrone 801475 002839-900
237 412 Estrogen Total | Estr 801485
238 413 Testosteron 801455 002986-800
239 414 Adrenocoticotropic Hormone | ACTH 804545
240 415 Free T4 | FT4 801425 003024-700
241 416 17OH Progestrone | 17OH 801480
242 417 Cortisol 8AM 801550 048104-400
243 418 Cortisol 5AM 801550
244 419 Cortisoal 4hrs After Injection Tetracosactide | Cort 4hrs Aft injec 801550
245 420 Ferritin 801125 002284-800
246 421 Cortisoal 24hrs After Injection Tetracosactide 801550
247 422 Cortisol 48hrs After Inject 801550
248 423 Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin | BHCG 801590 019080-100
249 424 Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Titers | BhCG Titers 801595 021198-700
250 425 Growth Hormone 8AM | GH 8AM 801555
251 426 GH 30 Min Stimulation Test | GH 30 Min 801560
252 427 GH 1hr After LDOPOA | GH 1hr LDOPOA 801560
253 430 GH 1hr Stimulation 801560
254 433 Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Titer | Beta Titer 801595
255 435 Urine VMA 24hrs 800860
256 436 Insulin Fasting 801565 020448-700
257 437 Insulin After Oral Glucose | Insulin After Glu
258 438 Urine Free Cortisol 24hrs 801551 002147-700
259 439 Anti Saccharomyces Servisiae Ab-IgG | ASCA 803445
260 440 17Hydroxy Steroids | 17Hydroxy Steroids 800885
261 441 17 OH Ketosteroids | 17 OH Keto 800880
262 443 Urine Metanephrine 24hrs | Metanephrine 24h 800876
263 444 Alfa Feto Protein | AFP 801810 053962-700
264 445 Calcitonin 801505
265 446 Carcino Embryonic Ab | CEA 801805 002039-600
266 447 Androstendion | Andros 801495
267 448 Prostate Specific Antigen | PSA 801820 002857-100
268 449 CA125 801845 010334-100
269 450 CA19-9 801845
270 451 Vitamin B12 801130 002132-900
271 452 Folic Acid(B9) | Folat 801125 002284-800
272 453 Haptoglobolin 801185
273 454 Thyroglobulin 801435 003013-000
274 455 Renin 801520
275 456 Anti DNA 802955
276 457 Gastrin 801580
277 458 Aldosterone Upright Sitting | Aldosterone 801535
278 459 Anti Mitochondrial Ab | AMA 803140
279 460 Anti Smooth Muscle Ab | ASMA 803145
280 461 Anti Sperm Ab 803150
281 462 Varicella Zoster Virus IgG | VZV IgG 803105
282 463 Varicella Zoster Virus IgM | VZV IgM 803106
283 464 Cholinesterase 800620
284 465 Cortisol 8hrs DST 801550
285 466 GH 2hrs Glucose 801560
286 467 Cortisol 4Hrs AfterInject Dexamethasone
287 468 Antibody Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide | CCP 803425
288 469 Free T3 | FT3 801420 003051-000
289 470 Angiotensin Converting Enayme | ACE 801525
290 471 Insuling After Oral | Insulin 1hrs
291 472 Cortisol 8Hrs After Inject Dexamethasone
292 473 Alfa 1 Antitripsin | Alfa 1 Antitripsin
293 474 Free PSA 801825 010886-000
294 476 Cortisol 24Hrs AfterInject Dexamethasone
295 477 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate | DHEA SO4 801465 002191-500
296 478 Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies | TPO 803630 008099-400
297 479 Anti Thyrogobulin | TGAB 803155 008098-600
298 480 Free Testosterone
299 481 Cortisol 48Hrs AfterInject Dexamethasone
300 482 Urine Catecholamine 24hrs
301 484 CA242
302 487 Vitamin D
303 490 Anti Saccharomyces Servisiae Ab-IgG | ASCA
304 491 Urine Cortisol Random
305 492 Cortisol 10AM
306 493 Cortisol 6hrs After Injection
307 494 Anti Sm RNP
308 495 Liver Kidney Microsome | LKMA
309 496 Lca
310 497 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 | IGF1
311 498 Anti PM Scl
312 498 Insulin like Growth Factor Binding Protein | IGFBP3 801610
313 499 Free Estriol | UE3
314 500 Anti AMA M2
315 501 Urine Analysis | UA
316 503 Catecolamine Plasma 800870 002055-200
317 515 Adrenaline (Epinephrine) Plasma 800872
318 523 Urine Albumin Random 800205 005804-000
319 530 Bence Jones Protein
320 531 Urine Sodium Random
321 532 Urine Calcium 24hrs
322 536 Phenyl Ketonuria
323 537 5-Hydroxy Indol Acetic Acid | 5-HIAA
324 538 Urine Phosphorus 24hrs
325 539 Urine Oxalate 24hrs
326 540 Urine Uric Acid 24hrs
327 541 Urine Urea 24hrs
328 542 Urine Creatinine 24hrs
329 543 Urine Sodium 24hrs
330 544 Urine Potassium 24hrs
331 545 Urine Amylase 24hrs
332 546 Urine Citrate 24hrs
333 547 Urine Protein 24hrs
334 548 Urine Cu 24hrs
335 550 Urine Magnesium 24hrs
336 551 Creatinine Clearance | Cr Clearance
337 552 Random Urine Phosphorous
338 553 TLC For Aminoaciduria Urine | TLC A.A Urine
339 554 Urine Cystein 24hrs
340 555 Urine Protein Electrophoresis
341 556 Urine Citrate Random
342 557 Urine Oxalate Random
343 558 Reduce Substrance Urine
344 566 RBC Dismorphic | RBC Dis
345 571 Von Willerand Factro | VWF
346 576 Urine Micro Albumin 24hr
347 581 Renal Calculi 074446-600
348 597 Urine Calcium Random
349 598 Urine Creatinine Random
350 599 Urine Uric Acid Random
351 600 Urine Protein Random
352 601 Urine Culture & Sensivity | Urine C&S
353 602 Urine Myoglobulin
354 603 Throat Smear
355 604 Throat Culture & Sensitive | Throat C&S
356 605 Throat Culture for Diphtheria
357 606 Throat Smear for Diphteria
358 607 Sputum Direct Smear | Sputum D&S
359 608 Sputum Culture & Sensivity | Sputum (C&S)
360 609 Chip Discharge
361 610 Sputum Culture for BK
362 611 Transtrachel Aspirates
363 612 Urethra Discharge C&S
364 613 Prostatic Discharge Direct Smear
365 614 Prostatic Discharge C&S
366 615 Vaginal Discharge
367 616 Vaginal Culture & Sensivity | Vaginal (C&S)
368 617 Wound Discharg Direct Smear
369 618 Wound Discharg Culture & Sensitivity | Wound Discharg (C&S)
370 619 Ear Discharg D.S
371 620 Ear Culture & Sensivity | Ear C&S
372 621 Nasal Discharg Direct Smear | Nasal Discharg (D&S)
373 622 Nasal Discharg C&S
374 623 Eye C&S | Eye C&S
375 624 Semen C&S | Semen C&S
376 625 Breast Discharge Direct C&S
377 626 Eye Disch DS | Eye Disch DS
378 627 Fungi
379 628 Direct Smear
380 629 BK Smear
381 630 CSF C&S
382 631 Nipple Discharg C&S
383 632 Pleural Fluid C&S
384 633 Transtrachel Aspirates C&S
385 634 Abscess Drain C&S
386 635 Synovial Fluid C&S | Synovial C&S
387 638 Scabies Direct
388 639 AFB Morning Urine
389 640 Lishman Body
390 644 Post Natal Discharge C&S
391 645 Bronchial Lavage C&S | Bronchial Lavage C&S
392 647 Blood C&S
393 652 Trachea C&S | Trachea C&S
394 655 Culuculi Analysis Urinary
395 658 Synovial Fluid for BK | Synovial Fluid BK
396 661 Pleural Fluid | Pleural Fluid
397 668 Prostatic Fluid
398 669 Prostatic Fluid Direct Smear | Prostatic D&S
399 671 Nail Scraping
400 684 CSF IgG Index
401 687 NitroBlue Tetrazolium | NBT
402 698 Fungi Culture
403 701 Stool Examination | SE
404 704 Occult Blood | OB
405 707 Plasma Renin Activity | PRA
406 713 CytomegaloVirus PCR | CMV PCR
407 714 Scotch Test
408 720 Aldosterone Supine 801535 001763-201
409 721 Nine Hidrin Test | NHT
410 747 Cyanid Nitroprussid
411 749 Stool C&S
412 758 Micro Albumin Random | Mic Alb 801605 014957-500
413 759 Muco Poly Sacarid
414 761 Urine Chlorine Random
415 762 Urine Random Potassium | U.R Potassium
416 763 Hemodialyis Fluid Culture
417 769 Cystatin-C
418 770 Anti Tripsin
419 774 Anti SARS-Cov-2 IgM 803720
420 775 Anti SARS-Cov-2 IgG 803720
421 792 Anti Mog CSF
422 801 Seminal Fluid
423 805 Aspergillus Galactomannan | Galactomannan
424 839 Post Coital Test
425 848 Nasal Fluid
426 849 Sudan Black
427 866 Nitro Proside
428 892 Metanephrine Plasam
429 967 Peripheral Blood Smear | PBS
430 979 Antinuclear Antibody | FANA
431 984 HBC Ab Total 803225 013952-700
432 985 CA15-3 801840 006875-900
433 986 Para Tyroid Hormon | PTH 801500 002730-000
434 989 Helicobacter Pylori IgM | H.Pylori IgM
435 990 Beta2Micro Urine
436 992 TLC Sugar | TLC Sugar
437 993 Urine MSU
438 995 CSF Glocuse
439 996 CSF LDH
440 997 CSF Protein
441 998 CSF WBC Count
442 1001 Phenobarbital
443 1002 Valporate Sodium or Depakine
444 1003 Carbamazpine
445 1004 Cyclosporine
446 1005 Dihydrotestosterone | DHT
447 1006 HLA B27
448 1023 Phenylalanine Urine
449 1024 HLA B51
450 1026 Phenytoein
451 1036 High Performance Liquid Chromatography | HPLC Amino Acid
452 1041 Anti Echinococcus Ab IFA
453 1042 SCL 70
454 1043 Bensodiazepin Group
455 1045 Troponin I 801045
456 1053 Urine Random Urea
457 1054 Thyroxine Binding Globulin | TBG
458 1500 Pre Albumin | Pre-Alb
459 1501 Neuro Myclitis Optica | Anti NMO
460 1502 Sperm Washing
461 1503 Free Kappa Urine
462 1504 Free Lambda Urine
463 1505 Acetylcholine Flitration Rate | Acetylcholine Flit
464 1508 Entamoeba Histolytica Ab
465 1602 Calprotectin in Stool
466 1604 CD4 | CD4
467 1605 CD8 | CD8
468 1606 CD7 | CD7
469 1607 Homovanilic Acid | HVA
470 1611 Bactec Blood Culture
471 1612 Urine Osmolarity Random
472 1613 Urine Osmolarity 24hrs
473 1614 Plasma Amino Acid HPLC Analysis | Plasma A.A HPLC
474 1641 Proinsulin Intact
475 1642 Urine Neutrophil Gelatinase Lipocalin
476 1643 Giardia Antigen
477 1644 Beta2micro IgM
478 1645 Procalcitonin | PCT
479 1646 Urine Homocyctein
480 1647 Vitamin A
481 1648 Vitamin B6
482 1649 Mumps Antibody IgG | Mumps IgG
483 1650 Mumps Antibody IgM | Mumps IgM
484 1651 Sool Elastase
485 1652 Urine Chlorine 24hrs
486 1656 Clostridium Difficil Cytotoxin
487 1659 Therapeutic Drug Monitor | TDM
488 1934 Instrinsic Factor Antibody | IFA
489 1935 CD76
490 1936 CD56
491 1937 CD199
492 1938 CD20
493 1939 CD3
494 1942 Anti HDV Ab
495 1943 Anti Desmoglin Ab
496 1944 Anti Desmoglin Ab III
497 1958 Human Epididymis Protein 4 | HEP-4
498 1958 HE4: Human Epididymis Protein 4 | HE4 803655
499 1963 Anti GM1 (IgM , IgG) | Anti GM1 (IgM,G)
500 1964 Anti HU Ab
501 1965 Anti Yo Ab
502 1966 Prothrombin 20210A
503 1967 Kala Azar Ab
504 1968 Food Allergen RAST | RAST
505 1969 Ganglioside GM1(IgG&IgM)
506 1970 Ganglioside GM2 0 082455-700
507 1971 Ganglioside GD1B
508 1972 Ganglioside GD1A
509 1973 Ganglioside GT1B
510 1975 Ganglioside GM3 0 044708-600
511 1976 Anti Amphiphysin
512 1977 Anti Ri Ab
513 1978 Anti Ma2 (Ma/Ta)
514 1979 Anti CV2 Ab
515 1980 Topiramat
516 1981 Levetiracetam:keppra
517 1982 HEV AB IgM
518 1982 HEV Ab (IgG) 803250
519 1984 Sulfonylurea
520 1985 HBV DNA PCR Qantitive | HBV DNA Qant
521 1987 Factor XI
522 1988 Urine Epinephrine 24hrs
523 2001 Anti Tetanus Ab
524 2002 Immune Anti A: Isohemagglutinin | Isohemagglutinin
525 2003 Anti Pneumonia Ab-IgG | Pneumonia IgG
526 2005 Tacroliums:PredoseCo | Tacroliums
527 2006 Urine Hemocyctein Random | Hemocyctein Ran
528 2008 Anti Ro 52
529 2045 Urine Normetanephrine24
530 2048 Norepinephrine
531 2049 Factor XIII
532 2050 Selenium
533 2051 NSE
534 2054 Amylase Urine Random
535 2055 Anti Parietal Ab
536 2056 CA72-4
537 2058 HPV Antibody
538 2223 Anti Jo1
539 2224 Osteocalcin
540 2227 Anti Liver Cytosolic Antigen | Liver Cytosolic
541 2228 5-Nucleotidas
542 2229 Chain Coppa
543 2230 Chain Lambda
544 2231 Interferone Gamma Release | IGR
545 2233 CA27-29
546 2254 Erythropoietin
547 2258 Urine For BK
548 2259 TB Culture
549 2264 Factor VII
550 2265 Factor VIII
551 2266 Factor IX
552 2267 G20-220
553 2269 Pro-BNP
554 2271 Blood Galactose
555 2283 Vitamin E
556 2285 Urine BUN Random
557 2288 Urine Immunofixation
558 2289 Panel Reactive Ab 802565 802565-000
559 2294 Immuno Fixation Electrophoresis(IFE)Serum | IFE 800760 029586-500
560 2294 Immunofixation Electrophoresis | IFE 800760 029586-500
561 2299 Brain Natriuretic Peptide | BNP 803660 033762-600
562 2300 Anti-Mog (Serum)
563 2301 Vitamin B1 002923-100
564 2303 RNA Analysis for HCV | RNA HCV
565 2304 Maple Syrup Urine Random
566 2305 Hepatitis C Virus Viral Load | HCV Viral Load
567 2306 Serotonin
568 2308 Beta Glubolin 801610
569 2309 Transferrin 801145 003034-600
570 2310 HCV RNA Qualititative | HCV RNA Quali
571 2312 Factor X 802370 802370-000
572 2318 Streptococcal Group A Antigen | Strep Group A
573 2320 Cluster of Differentiation-19 | CD-19 802590
574 2325 Vitamin C 801240
575 2327 HLA B8 802570 004841-301
576 2344 High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein | hsCRP 803350 030522-700
577 2346 Amino Sure
578 2366 Heat Stable ALP
579 2367 JAK2 gene v617F Mutation 810020 807135-345
580 2368 JAK2 Exon 12 Mutaion 810020 807135-345
581 2370 Chromium | Cr 800805 021201-900
582 2372 Histamin
583 2373 Cluster of Differentiation-2 | CD-2 802590 802590-002
584 2374 Cluster of Differentiation-16 | CD16 802590 802590-016
585 2375 Cluster of Differentiation-15 | CD-15 802590 802590-015
586 2376 Cluster of Differentiation-11A | CD11 A 802590 802590-511
587 2377 Cluster of Differentiation-11 | CD-11 802590 802590-511
588 2378 Cluster of Differentiation-19 | CD-19 802590 802590-019
589 2379 Cluster of Differentiation-20 | CD-20 802590 802590-020
590 2380 Factor VIII Inhibitor
591 2397 Von Willebrand Factor Antigen | VWF Ag
592 2398 Pediculosis Capitis 804115 009787-300
593 2399 Cluster of Differentiation-68 | CD-68 802590 802590-068
594 2400 Von Willebrand Factor Ristocetin Cofactor | VWF.Ris Cofa
595 2422 Hepatitis C Virus Genotyping | HCV Genotyping
596 2424 TB IGRA
597 2425 Complement Component 1q | C1Q 004478-400
598 2700 Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor | Anti PLA2R